
The Planning Proposal for Draft LEP 2013 contains maps that help illustrate the land use zones and planning controls that will be part of the new LEP.


The Draft LEP 2013 is supported by the following mandated (by Standard LEP) and local maps:


Map Title


Relevant Clause

Land Application Map

This map shows the land included in the planning proposal and basically covers all land within the Lithgow local government area(LGA).


Land Zoning Map

This map shows all the land use zones proposed across the LGA


Lot Size Map

This map shows the minimum lot size required for subdivision for a dwelling across the LGA.


Heritage Map

This map identifies heritage items and conservation areas within the LGA.

5.10 and Schedule 5

Active Street Frontage

This map highlights areas within the Lithgow Main Street where new development is encouraged to attract pedestrians, helping to provide a safe, attractive and active public space.


Environmentally Sensitive Areas - Water Overlay Map

This map identifies sensitive riparian lands and waterways and areas of high groundwater vulnerability.

7.4 & 7.5

Environmentally Sensitive Areas – Land Overlay Map

This map identifies sensitive lands generally unsuitable for development due to steep slopes and/or shallow soils, salinity, native vegetation, regular or permanent inundation, high proportion of rock outcrops, and location of significant karst environments.


Environmentally Sensitive Areas – Biodiversity Overlay

This map identifies sensitive areas to be maintained to protect terrestrial biodiversity, including, protecting native flora and fauna,                 protecting the ecological processes necessary for their continued existence, and encouraging the conservation and recovery of native flora and fauna and their habitats


Flood Planning Map

This map indentifies land at or below the flood planning level being the 1in 100 year Average Recurrent Interval plus a freeboard of 0.5m.

The flood planning area shown on the Flood Planning Map is the 1 in 100 year flood level taken from the 1991 Kinhill Floodplain Management Study.


Lithgow Drinking Water Catchment Map

This map identifies the proclaimed boundaries of the Lithgow drinking water catchment.


Land Reservation Acquisition Map

This map identifies the land to be acquired by the Roads and Maritime Services for road purposes.


Pottery Estate Development Map

This map identifies the curtilage of the area contained within the site known as the Pottery Estate.  Further strategic land analysis and planning is required prior to any development occurring within the designated Pottery Estate area.


Urban Release Area Map

This map identifies the Lithgow LGA’s new urban release area at Marrangaroo.  Further strategic land analysis and planning is required prior to any development occurring within the designated Marrangaroo urban release area.

6.1 - 6.3

Former LEP Boundaries Map

This map details the boundaries of the former Lithgow LGA, Rylstone Shire LGA and Evans Shire LGA prior to amalgamation in 2008, to designate the application of the current 1994 Lithgow Council LEP



Reclassification Map - This map is available on the online mapping and identifies those properties that have been recommended for reclassification from “Community” to an “Operational” classification.

The fi nal mapping produced for the Draft LEP is required to conform to the format and guidelines specifi ed for the completion of the standard instrument LEP. Pdf copies of the draft template mapping can be viewed by clicking on the map identification numbers on the Template Tile Map Legend

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